Studio: EightVFX
This is 1 of 4 CapitalOne projects I worked on while at EightVFX. For this spot my responsibilities included:
-Creating the deconstruction effect in MASH from scratch and I was in charge of teaching the other artists how to use the MASH network in their scenes
-sh010 animated the deconstruction effect of the old bank in MASH, I then created a destruction cache file which was used by another artist for Shot-02
-Rendered all passes
-In Shot-04 when the actor is entering the cafe, I animated the flip effect on the walls and sign, also on the alternate version, I placed the cg table, chairs and umbrella and rendered them and the flip. In addition, I animated the sign geo to match the plate.
-Layout of the geo and other miscellaneous work
Studio: EightVFX
My responsibilities for this spot included the following:
-Rendering of the FX particles for Shot30, Shot40 and Shot50
-Created the original MASH network used to break up the geo, then helped other artists with questions on how to apply it to this scene.
-Started the layout scene of the interior bank at the beginning of the project
-Modeling simple props and camera setup for the initial layout
-Matched transformations of some geo with new updated geo
-Re-meshed some of the letters so they could be used with the MASH network
-Other miscellaneous work
Studio: EightVFX
Another cool spot and great team. For this project my duties included:
-The reversed engineering of a MASH setup that was provided and creating my own setup for the build up effect, and I was in charge of helping other team members with questions of the MASH network
-Shot 05 – Created and rendered the background layers, including a caustics pass. Additionally, rendered the old bank and the beauty of the new bank
-Shot 06 – I created and animated the FX buildup and animation of the walls and props, including chairs, tables and floor. Each FX Flip reveal has two layers. I did not work on the animated lines, that’s another layer created by another artist. I also rendered and re-meshed the cafe walls and interior props geo so that they could be used with the MASH setup
-Shot 08 – Rendering of the props, re-meshed the old bank for the MASH network
-I also created all the render layers for my shots(05, 06, 08) and worked with the compositor by providing additional renders needed. Additionally, created animation caches for the chairs, tables and umbrella, which other artists used in other scenes.
Studio: Transistor Studios
This was a challenging but fun project, everyone at Transistors was great, really cool team we had on this one. Can’t see it from this low res version, but the canion shot(city mid level or shot 3), it was my shot and I had to populate it with office furniture and a lot of other stuff for the x-ray to work, scenes were a couple of gigs in size. We ended up splitting them into Arnold ASS files to be able to manage and render them.
My main other shot was the x-ray overhead shot of the city(shot 6), starting from a shader that was provided to me, I developed the x-ray look according to the directors comments.
I also helped with other miscellaneous modeling and shader setup and helping some of the team members setup their lighting and shaders so they all look the same.
Studio: Chrlx
This project was a lot of fun to be a part of. I was brought in near the end of the project to work on setting up render passes, also I worked with the compositor and created any extra passes he needed.
Studio: Studio Pascal Blais
For this project I modeled the base model the leaf character in a T pose.
Studio: Studio Pascal Blais
For this project I modeled the base model of the leaf character in a T pose.
Studio: Passion Pictures NY
In this project which was directed by Saschka Unseld, the Pixar director of “The Blue Umbrella”, I was responsible for lighting, texturing, shading and rendering a number of shots using Maya and Arnold.
My shots: (in order of appearance)
07 – Box Pick up: Using a provided texture for the box, I shaded, created the lighting and rendered this shot.
08 – Twins pop-up: Created the lighting for the whole shot, including background and characters.
12 – Kitchen Scene: Using a gray kitchen model, I created all the textures, UV’s and shaders for the kitchen, in addition to the lighting for both the environment and characters.
In addition, I also created some precomps in Nuke for quick previews and worked with the compositors in creating additional passes they needed.
Studio: Passion Pictures NY
Using Maya and Arnold and as the only lighter in this project, my responsibilities were the following:
-Created the textures/shaders and lighting for the entire commercial, except for the powder/liquid in the car interior shot.
-Shading and lighting of the CG car including the water in the exterior shot.
-Shading and lighting of the neurons.
-Worked with the compositors for any extra passes they needed.
Studio: Passion Pictures NY
The second spot of the sponge series. Working with the same awesome team as the first one, we were able to complete this spot right after the other. As with the other spot my responsibilities included look development (Look Dev) and lighting in Maya, Arnold Renderer and Nuke, also setting render layers (passes) and finishing the shot by working with the compositors. Using background plates with grey and chrome balls, plus other reference objects, I match the lighting to these in Maya using Arnold and by editing the provided HDR images.
My shots included:
05-Bottle Pick Up (lighting, texturing CG bottle, rendering, etc)
06-Drinking Pediasure (lighting, texturing CG bottle, rendering, etc)
07-Height Measurement
08-Playground swings (just Look Dev for this one, render layers and rendering setup by another artist)
09-Running To Bus (lighting, CG Props, rendering, etc)
10-Backpack Pick Up
It was a blast working on these.