PediaSure “Sponge Girl – Soak It Up!”


Studio: Passion Pictures NY

This was a great project to work on, we had a great team. My responsibilities included look development (Look Dev) and lighting in Maya, Arnold Renderer and Nuke, also setting render layers (passes) and finishing the shot by working with the compositors. Using background plates with grey and chrome balls, plus other reference objects, I match the lighting to these in Maya using Arnold and by editing the provided HDR images.

My shots included:
07-Backyard butterfly catch (lighting, texturing the nets, rendering, etc)
09-Drinking Pediasure (lighting, CG bottle, rendering, etc)
10-Vallerina Running
11-Vallerinas leaning on mirror (just Look Dev for this one, render layers and rendering setup by another artist)
12-Car looking out – Look Dev by another artist, and I setup the render layers and rendered it.

Thanks for watching!

Hyundai “Globus – PlanetV”


Studio: SuperFad

This was a video playing on the streets of Time Square in New York City, it was one of two huge TV screens where this video was playing in one of the screens, that’s why there is no sound. Working as part of a small team, I worked mainly in the Korea scene, where I created the transition animation into the Korea scene. I modeled, textured and animated the buildings, street and part of the sidewalks. Also, I textured and animated the trees and many of the props. I created the lighting and render passes for the Korea scene except for the physical sun pass. I also worked on modeling, texturing and layout for other scenes as well.

American Express “BGR”


Studio: Logan NY

As part of a small team, I worked on modeling and cleaning up the buildings, airplane, trees and sidewalks. Also, I worked on scene layout and the ICE simulations on the airplane. The ICE simulation creating the building was done by another artist. I helped in applying the same effect to other objects and scenes. Setting passes and rendering as well.

Galaxy Chocolate


Studio: Passion Pictures NY

I helped with simulating a cloth material on top of a temp 3D couch, so that we could use the cloth to attach the particles on. Using an ICE compound created by another artist, I helped in attaching the cloud point to the cloth and modifying it when necessary, also shading the ICE particles, lighting and rendering them. As well as the 3D cloth passes used to blend it with the real one. In addition, I created the initial setup for the cloth simulation where the actor touches the cloth and interacts with it. Modeled, textured, created the lighting and rendered passes for the box with the logo and the cloth it stands on in the final shot.

White Castle “Brand” Get Them When You Crave Them


Studio: SuperFad

In this spot and the other, I textured and animated the logo in the beginning and the logo doors falling down. I created the layout and rotation setup of the scenes. Modeled, textured and animated most of the props like: owl, chicken, moon, fence, clock and burger cards. I also modified the logo animation at the end to fit the new timing. The props falling on the strings animation and “Rule” text exploding were done by another artist. Setup and rendered passes for the spot, created, textured and animated the clock and the text “Get Them When You Crave Them”, among other things.

White Castle “Retail” We Are Making The Bacon


Studio: SuperFad

As in the other White Castle spot, I modeled, textured and animated most of the props and text, including: owl, chicken, clock and text “We Are Making The Bacon”, etc. Except for the falling props on strings animation and the text “Rule” exploding in the beginning. I also modified the logo animation at the end to fit the new timing. Setup render passes among other things.

Clearasil “Seal To Clear Adapt With Apple Tag 30”


Studio: The Mill

As in the other Clearasil spot, I contributed by creating some shaders, tracked some shots and animated some of the shots with ICE. Also, setup the lighting and render passes for the molecules. We worked on both spots at the same time.

Lenovo “For Those Who Do”


Studio: Brand New School

Modeled and animated the ribbons going around the buildings in the cityscape shot , lighting them and rendering the passes, also started the pre-comp in After Effects. In addition, modeled, shaded, animated and rendered the 3D portion of the text “Future”.

Clearasil “Jay Z Face Wash|Mask”


Studio: The Mill

For this version I contributed by creating some shaders, tracked some shots and animated some of the shots with ICE. Also, setup the lighting and render passes for the molecules.

Verizon Droid “Snow Bot”


Studio: The Mill

For this spot, I was responsible for the phones. I created the textures in Photoshop, the shaders, lighting and rendering the passes for the compositors, except for the last phone that floats at the end. Also, modeled the robot head that’s under the snow.